Optimal storage of Christmas decorations and displays can extend their lifespan. 


Our local warehouses offer purpose-built storage facilities, offering our clients the perfect solution for their Christmas decorations between seasons, as well as the convenience of having our expert artisans on site for any decoration refurbishments required.

Large external lit Christmas tree in Walsh Bay Sydney

Minimise Damange

With over a decade of experience in the Christmas display industry, we have seen it all. And we get it! Christmas happens but once a year for our clients and even the most meticulously stored decorations can be subjected to additional damage from sharing space with other uses, unplanned relocations and accidental loss of critical elements throughout the year. 

Ideal Environment

Storing your commercial Christmas decorations with CDS means your investment is further protected. All decorations are cleaned and inspected upon arrival at our facility and wrapped and packed with care prior to being stored. Additionally, all our clients receive a condition report as well as the peace of mind that all decorations are tested and tagged each year prior to scheduled installation as required.